Last night I made quiche, with bacon, onions and swiss. I had bought frozen pie crusts, because I've never made a scratch pie crust in my life. The ones I bought were extremely shallow. I was picturing a nice deep quiche, but they were so shallow I had to make 2 short quiches.
I also had the eternal cucumber salad (I've been eating this stuff all week and I only used 2 cucumbers!), vanana yogurt, and crackers, cheese and strawberries. I included a piece of candy which I could only guess was milk flavored. I couldn't read anything on the label, but there was a picture of a cow! It did turn out to be a "milky" chewy candy.

Boy's lunch also contained quiche, which he didn't eat. Also he got cheese slices and strawberries, carrots and ranch dip, and cereal snack mix with some tiny savory crackers mixed in. He ate everything but the carrots. He never eats them but I keep packing them for him. Eventually, someday....
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